Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have a fantastic teacher for P.E and am now enjoying the subject more than ever before. Our first unit was called Adventure Based Learning which was all about summer ball sports, e.t.c. A lot of it was playing softball, and although I enjoy the game, it was a big breakthrough for me when I caught the ball during one game as a fielder!

In March we did Get Active. It was all about getting the heart pumping and we did pulse counts before and after energetic lessons when we weren't allowed to stop moving for the whole lesson! We had to run around the block, which was 2 km. I enjoyed the practice run and the real thing and finished in good time.

A good first term of P.E earned me a small certificate for 100% attendance, effort and uniform! -

As the chill of Winter approached in Term 2, we were in our (heated) school pool doing our Splash Out unit. It was by far my favourite unit, and, although we had a lot of free time to play in the pool with noodles, inflatables and mats, we also did some challenges like transporting one of our team members across the pool on a plank and our teacher on a foam mat. In order to pass we had to make sure she didn't get wet! We passed.

For the rest of the term we spent a bit of time in the Gym and played with the Moonball. We covered Dodgeball and some games involving big balls. It was short and sweet.

Our next unit was about Throwing and Catching something or other. We touched on Cricket, Ultimate Frisbee and one other game and the class voted out Cricket (which would have been fun to do) but I enjoyed Ultimate Frisbee the same. We became pros!

We've just finished Move It, which was a variety of things. We covered Te Reo and had to make up a haka in groups and present it to the class. We also did the Maori stick rhythm activity. Following that we all learnt Folk dance, Disco and Rock 'n' Roll! We just did basic choreography but I already knew the step of Rock 'n' Roll!
We had to do a lot of dances in groups and present them to the class. Some were with props, some with specifications. It was our final one that was our assessment, and though I don't know my grade, we all passed.
Oh, and we did Yoga and Jump-jam! Yoga made us all feel so silly and inflexible!

Now we're doing Invasion games. We started out with Basketball and two people taught the class for a lesson as part of an option in Academic Week. I did so the following day and brought my whistle! It was very cool to be the teacher and blow the whistle lots, although I am not as good a basketball player as my peers. Yet I managed to get them all doing a wide variety of drills from my netball training and we finished off with a game. Personally, I was most pleased with how I used the time and the different things I coached them in. I covered shooting, dribbling and passing, and my teacher was pleased with me too.

Then we did Netball, and my teacher resumed her position. I was good at this bit because I played for 3 years. It was a good chance to revise on my knowledge of rules and skills, and in the final assessment, I played Goal Keep, which I played in 2008 sometimes. I like that position!
We have just finished our Tchouck Ball assessment, which is probably one of my favourite sports now. It was new to all of us but I picked it up quickly because it is just like Netball except the way you get points is different. Rather than shooting goals you must bounce the ball off the rebounder from outside the goal circle without it getting intercepted.

There are now two weeks of school left and we are on our final unit of Team Games. We started with Touch Rugby and I hadn't played a serious game before so I was intent on picking up the rules of the games, which I did. I came to enjoy it and came close to scoring a try, but over the summer I might play a bit more.
We're doing soccer at the moment and I am more familiar with the rules. I had a lot of fun playing it today and made myself useful, hopefully, to our striker!

Yesterday we went on a clue hunt and answered questions by following a map of the school around. It led us all over and was so much fun! Today we had a massive 3 class game of dodgeball. Our side won the first game. They won the second. The third had a 6 minute time limit and they freed their whole team in the last 30 seconds. We freed our whole team in the last 3 seconds, so I think we tied!

That concludes P.E 2009. I've come to enjoy sport a lot more this year and I'll work really hard in 2010.

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