Sunday, April 13, 2008


We have also learnt how to speak a little bit of Te Reo / Maori. We learnt the numbers, where Maori is spoken, how to say good morning (ata marie!) and a song: A Ha Ka Ma. You sing each row except U, sing the vowels and sing the row 'U'.

A Ha Ka Ma Na Pa Ra Ta Wa Nga Wha
E He Ke Me Ne Pe Re Te We Nge Whe
I Hi Ki Mi Ni Pi Ri Ti Wi Ngi Whi
O Ho Ko Mo No Po Ro To Wo Ngo Who
U Hu Ku Mu Nu Pu Ru Tu Wu Ngu Whu

Numbers Nga Nama
zero kahore, kore
one kotahi, tahi
two rua, tokorua
three toru, tokotoru
four wha, tokowha
five rima, tokorima
six ono, tokoono
seven whitu, tokowhitu
eight waru, tokowaru
nine iwa, tokoiwa
ten tekau, ngahuru
eleven tekau ma tahi, ngahuru ma tahi
twelve tekau ma rua, ngahuru ma rua.
thirteen tekau ma toru, ngahuru ma toru
fourteen tekau ma wha, ngahuru ma wha
fifteen tekau ma rima, ngahuru ma rima
sixteen tekau ma ono, ngahuru ma ono
seventeen tekau ma whitu, ngahuru ma whitu.
eighteen tekau ma waru, ngahuru ma waru
nineteen tekau ma iwa, ngahuru ma iwa.
twenty rua tekau, hokotahi
twenty-one rua tekau ma tahi
thirty toru tekau
forty wha tekau, hokorua
fifty rima tekau
sixty ono tekau, hokotoru
seventy whitu tekau
eighty waru tekau, hokowha
ninety iwa tekau
hundred rau, kotahi rau, hokorima
one hundred and one kotahi rau ma tahi
one hundred and twenty-one kotahi rau rua tekau ma tahi
thousand mano
million miriona

As well as learning lots of songs, The Colour / Vowel song e.t.c we have been taught the months and days of the weeks as well.

Monday - Mane
Tuesday - Turei
Wednesday - Wenerei
Thursday - Taite
Friday - Paraire
Saturday - Hatarei
Sunday - Ratapu

...and the colours...

Black - Mangu / Pango
Red - Whero
Yellow - Kowhai
Blue - Kikorangi
Brown - Parauri
White - Ma
Orange - Karaka
Green - Kakariki
Purple - Tawa
Grey - Kiwikiwi

...and the months...

January - Hanuere
February - Pepuere
March - Maehe
April - Aperira
May - Mei
June - Hune
July - Hurae
August - Akuhata
September - Hepetema
October - Oketopa
November - Noema
December - Tihema

I also know kaimoana, seafood. Pipi and Paua!

Last term we were given an aspect of Maori culture to research. I found out lots of new things about the tiki:

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